Everyone loves to own a firm and shapely derrire. Buttock contouring is a procedure to aesthetically enhance the shape, size and firmness of buttocks. Ageing, heredity, weight fluctuations, pregnancy related changes and trauma are all reasons to possess undesirable buttocks. Neither a good diet nor adequate exercising can produce firm rounded youthful looking buttocks.

Any Ideal candidate is a healthy adult with realistic expectations having saggy buttocks desiring for a well contoured one to harmonize with the rest of the body.

Various Procedures

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift (Autologous fat transfer or lipo-injection to buttocks)
    Here excess fat is harvested from donor sites like abdomen, hips, back or thighs by liposuction and this is injected to the buttock region to achieve shapely and well contoured butt.


  • Less invasive
  • No foreign body rejection as we use one’s own body fat
  • Early return to normalcy Downside 
  • As the body resorbs 40-50% of the fat injected, additional sessions (2 to 3) at varied intervals give maximal benefit
  • Procedure is done under general anesthesia usually. Duration is 2 – 3 hours depending on amount of fat to be harvested and injected.
  • During recovery phase avoid lying on ones back for at least 8 weeks. Avoid sitting as much as possible for 3 weeks.
  • A special pillow is to be used for at least 8 weeks while sitting to avoid compression on the transplanted fat cells.
  • A compression garment is advised for the buttocks and the fat donor site for 6 weeks.
  • One can resume normal activities in 1 to 2 weeks. Strenuous activities to be withheld for 6 weeks.
  1. Buttock Implant Surgery
    Implants made of silicone can be used for those with deflated buttocks having very little body fat that can be harvested for augmentation.
  • Procedure is done under general anesthesia lasting for around 2 hours.
  • Implants are inserted through a midline incision between the buttocks i.e. the vertical butt crease, and placed below the gluteus maximus muscles.
  • Initially they appear to be seated high but, in a few weeks, settle well into their pockets.
  • During recovery phase, avoid sleeping on ones’ back for 6 weeks. One can sleep on ones’ stomach or side.
  • Strenuous exercises to be strictly avoided for 6 weeks. One can resume office work in 2 weeks.


  1. Surgical Butt Lift or Posterior Lower Body Lift
    This is done to restore a smooth contour and adequate projection for those with sagging buttocks due to ageing or following weight loss after bariatric surgery. It is usually done as part of a lower body lift or belt lipectomy.
  • The procedure is done under general anesthesia and takes approximately 2 hours.
  • The incision is placed on the lower back extending from one hip to the other. Redundant skin and subcutaneous tissues may be excised or one’s tissue can be used for auto augmentation.
  • A customized compression garment is to be worn for 6 weeks. Most of the swelling and bruising subsides in 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Strenuous activities are best avoided for 6 weeks. In 2 to 3 weeks, one can resume work.