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Breast Reduction Surgery Scars

Most women considering breast reduction surgery in Delhi are concerned about how noticeable the surgical scar will be after the procedure.

Breast reduction surgery is the most effective cosmetic surgery for reducing the amount of weight women bear on their chests and greatly alleviating excessive breast sizes issues such as shoulder soreness, skin irritation on the breast creases, and shoulder grooving.

Breast reduction requires skin incisions. Scars are unavoidable with every surgical procedure, even breast reduction, and these scars usually fade away as the wound heals. However, you must take measures to enhance healing and reduce visible scarring.

Let’s understand how breast reduction surgery scars appear and how to manage them.

Different Breast Reduction Techniques and Scars

There are several techniques that surgeons can use to perform the breast reduction surgery procedure, and the specific technique used can affect the location and appearance of the scars. Most commonly, shorter-scar techniques and larger-scar techniques are used.

Short-scar technique: The short-scar technique, also known as lollipop or keyhole incisions, involves making an incision around the areola and down the centre of the breast. This technique can be used for moderate breast reduction, resulting in less noticeable scarring than the anchor incision.

Larger-scar technique: The larger-scar technique, also known as inverted T incisions, involves making an incision around the areola, down the centre of the breast, and in the crease under the breast. This technique allows the surgeon to remove a large amount of tissue and skin and reshape the breasts. However, it does result in more noticeable scarring than the short-scar technique.

How do Breast Reduction Scars Appear?

The appearance of breast reduction scars can vary depending on factors such as the size or shape of the breast, the type of technique used and the individual’s genetics. Some people may have barely noticeable scars with breast reduction surgery in Delhi, while others may have more prominent scars.

Immediately after surgery, the scars will be red and raised and may also be sore, tender, or itchy as they heal. People with dark skin are more prone to hyperpigmentation or bigger elevated scars like hypertrophic scars or keloids.

How to Manage the Breast Reduction Surgery Scars?

Best reduction surgery is considered the best plastic surgery in India because it helps improve the body contour and address the physical issues caused due to large breast size. Managing breast reduction surgery scars involves taking care of the incisions as they heal and following your surgeon’s instructions for post-operative care. Here are a few things you can do to help manage your breast reduction surgery scars:

  • Keep the incisions clean and dry.
  • Wear compression garments.
  • You should massage your scars gently with your fingertips to soften them.
  • Apply scar treatment products like silicone sheets to soften and flatten them.
  • Sun exposure can cause the scars to darken, so you should avoid direct sunlight on the incisions while they heal, and also be sure to use sunblock on them once they are fully healed.
  • You should avoid strenuous activities that could cause the incisions to stretch or open for the first few weeks after surgery.

It’s important to follow up with your surgeon for scheduled post-operative visits, to monitor the healing of the incisions, and follow the instructions given to you.

Bottom Lines!

The scarring from breast reduction surgery in Delhi surgery will fade over time. The scars may be red or raised at first, but they will eventually fade to a thin, pale line. Following your surgeon’s instructions for scar care after surgery will help the scars heal properly and minimise their appearance.

If you want breast reduction surgery, book your appointment with Dr Arvind Jain & Dr Sapna V Roshni, plastic surgeons in Delhi. the will provide you with post-operative instructions to manage the scars.